CYM Annual Recognition Dinner Award Nomination Forms Are Now Open!

Now in its fourteenth year, the CYM Annual Recognition Dinner shines a light on the best and the brightest leaders in youth ministry. Who will you nominate or name as award winners from your parish? All nominations and submissions for the annual recognition dinner are due to the CYM office by April 4, 2018.

The ARD allows parishes or schools to name one Volunteer of the Year to recognize anyone 21 years or older and cleared for service in the diocese and who is an outstanding volunteer with young people. This person could be a chaperone, a catechist, a Confirmation leader, or even someone who helps keep the website up to date. This is not a nomination. The person named will receive the award. Each parish/school is challenged to name the person most deserving. 

The St. Timothy National Youth Award is given to up to two young people who are a junior or senior high school youth from each parish or school. It is the highest recognition from the National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry and CYM. Name one or two young people who live as disciples of Christ, sets a positive example for other youth, witnesses to their faith by exhibiting Catholic morals and integrity, demonstrates Gospel values through service to others, and exhibits Christian leadership in parish, school, and/or community settings. This is not a nomination. The person named will receive the award.

There are several categories for the St. John Bosco Diocesan Award for outstanding service to young people in our diocese. Nominees must be 21 years or older and cleared for service in the diocese. Those who have ministered more than five years are eligible. Categories include ministry in a parish or diocesan youth ministry, a school, in justice and service, by a clergy or religious, in athletics, in catechesis, by a leader in Girl or Boy Scouts, to young adults, and in a multi-cultural setting. Indivduals are nomintaed for this award and winners will be announced after April 4, 2018.

There are also several categories for the Companions on the Journey National Award, given by the NFCYM and CYM. Those in ministry for more than three years in any of the following categories are eligible: athletics, catechesis, Boy or Girl Scouts, in justice and service, in parish youth ministry, and to young adults. Indivduals are nomintaed for this award and winners will be announced after April 4, 2018.

For complete details, visit the event page. All submissions and nominations are due online by April 4, 2018. Tickets for the dinner must be ordered by April 27, 2018. Reservations are $35 per person or $315 for a table of 10. 

Click here to start nominating.